Leadership Confessional Submission Information
Luminary Institute is always looking for great stories to use in our Leadership Confessional series. Before you submit your story for consideration, please read our guidelines below.
What type of story should I submit?
We look for interesting, diverse, and creative experiences from leaders that our readers can learn and grow from.
Example topics include:
Dealing with conflict
Making difficult decisions
Managing complex teams and business dynamics
Overcoming barriers to goals and objectives
Dealing with difficult or constant change
Engaging with challenging customers and stakeholders
Overcoming personal challenges (such as fears, failures, disappointments, etc.)
Dealing with safety concerns and risks
Struggling with market dynamics
Dealing with well-being and work-life challenges
Other interesting topics you would like to suggest
What information should I include?
We take your confidentiality seriously and only accept anonymous submissions. To protect the confidentiality of all involved, and to enhance the learning and growth of our readers, please adhere to the following guidelines:
Do not share your real name or contact information
Do not share any information or details that you do not wish to be made public
Identify what you would like our advice on
Include as much relevant background and detail as possible so we can best tailor our response
What happens after I submit a story?
Our team reviews all submissions and selects those that have a broad appeal to relevant business challenges, and are detailed and thought provoking.
We reserve the right to make editorial changes for enhanced readability and suitability. Every effort will be made to preserve the original intent of the submission.
Because all submissions are anonymous, we are unable to notify you about the status of your submission.
If selected, our team is dedicated to providing a thoughtful and growth-oriented response to advice queries. For broad appeal, we may expand our response as needed.